NameBeatrice Blanch Goodrich Dobbie
Birth1881, Oldham
Notes for Beatrice Blanch Goodrich Dobbie
Beatrice Dobbie was the daughter of Robert John Algernon Dobbie (1849) and Mary Ann Pomfrey, and was born in Oldham in 1881. In 1881 she was living at Falcon House in King Street, Oldham. She was sent to live in Canada in 1884, and travelled there on the “Circassian”.
• 1. Library & Archives Canada, Home Children.Name: DOBBIE. Given Name: Beatrice. Age: 3. Sex: F. Ship: Circassian. Year of Arrival: 1883. Departure Port: Liverpool. Departure Date: 15 May 1884. Arrival Port: Quebec. Arrival Date: 26 May 1884. Party: Mrs. Macpherson’s Party. Destination: Not Given. Notes: The child's surname was illegible or difficult to decipher. Source: Library and Archives Canada/Bibliothèque et Archives Canada. Reference: RG76 C 1 a. Microfilm: C-4533. Type of Record: Passenger Lists/Listes de passagers. Group of Children Traveling Together.