NameEliza Jane Lofthouse
Birth1910, Scarborough
BirthApr 1911, Pakefield
Death8 Jan 1948, Scunthorpe Isolation Hospital
Marriage26 Mar 1932, St. Mary's Parish Church, Scarborough
Notes for Eliza Jane Lofthouse
Eliza Jane Lofthouse was born on 22nd October 1910 at 1 Pextons Yard, Church Stairs Street, Scarborough, and was the daughter of labourer Arthur Lofthouse and Mary Jane Jemmison. She married Horace Sidney Broughton (1911) at St. Mary's Parish Church, Scunthorpe, on 26th March 1932. She was living at 61 Nelson Street and was working as a domestic servant.
• 1. Birth Certificate. Scarborough. 413. Twenty Second October 1910, 1 Pextons Yard, Church Stairs Street, Scarborough UD. Eliza Jane, Girl. Father: Arthur Lofthouse, Farm Labourer. Mother: Mary Jane Lofthouse, formerly Jemmison. Informant: M.J. Lofthouse, Mother, 1 Pextons Yard, Church Stairs Street, Scarborough. Registered 25th November 1910, J.C. Smailes, Registrar. • 2. Marriage Certificate. St. Mary’s Parish Church, Scarborough. Twenty sixth March 1932. Horace Sidney Broughton, 20, Bachelor, Fisherman, 63 Nelson Street. Father: Sidney Broughton, Engineer. Eliza Jane Lofthouse, 21, Spinster, Domestic Servant, 61 Nelson Street. Father: Arthur Lofthouse, Labourer. Married in the Parish Church, after banns, by R.M. Kettlewell, Assnt. Priest. Witnesses: Arthur Lofthouse, Eugenie Lester.